There’s a camp for sale near Booneville, in California’s Anderson Valley. The locals say it used to be a gathering spot for…ahem, kids who eat a lot. (At least that would explain why the kitchen isn’t equipped with a commercial fryer.) If true, that’s at least a little ironic, since the camp was home to this year’s Eat Retreat—an annual event where adults gather specifically to eat a lot. And to cook together and learn from each other, of course.
This year’s was the fourth retreat, and while the format of the weekend continues to evolve, some patterns emerge; each year, for example, a small group seeks respite outside of the planned activities. In Anderson Valley, that surfaced at a nearby pond swimming hole, conveniently located about a mile uphill from camp.
I’ve looked through my photos from the weekend at least a dozen times, and while I’m excited to share images from the workshops and shared meals, I keep coming back to these scenes from the swimming hole. Maybe it’s the California sunshine. Maybe it’s the lake wine. Or maybe it’s just the innocence of summer. Here’s hoping for more of all three*.
*Please drink and swim responsibly.